Tyler starting the race!
Zion Ponderosa Ranch was the destination for Team Wadman’s debut Ragnar race. The 120.8-mile race consisted of the following: a green loop at 3.1 miles, a yellow loop at 4.3 miles, and last of all, the red loop measuring in at 7.7 miles. The runners were required to run each loop once, adding up to 15.1 miles.
The idea of a Trail Ragnar is to set up a base camp close to the starting line where runners camp out and wait for their turn to run. The Wadman team was made up of eight runners. The runners are listed in the order they ran.
2. Brenton Fite
3. Stan Penrod (Kim’s Husband)
4. Brian Whittam (Kroger PM)
5. Tayson Wilson
6. Tyler Shupe
7. Dallin Chambers
8. Nate Zarlengo (Kroger PM)
Our leadoff Tyler Hollon started the race at 8:17 on Friday morning and the run, eat, sleep (but not really sleep) began. The game plan was to guess how long we thought they would run and be at the finish line 10-15 minutes before they got there. After a quick handoff, the running keeps going. When it wasn’t our turn to run, we hung out at camp, preparing to run our next leg by chowing down on some good food and keeping our legs warm by playing spikeball.
Tayson still can't walk!
Everyone on Team Wadman ran hard and didn’t disappoint. We finished 17th out of 397 overall, and 4th out of 36 in our division, with a total running time of 22:23:57, which ended our race at 6:40 AM on Saturday. It didn’t come without a cost though. Walking alone, caused some of us trouble on Saturday morning after we finished. As said by Ragnar “Sore legs don’t last, but memories do.” Running the Ragnar was a great experience and we are grateful for the opportunity we had to represent Wadman.