After spending nearly 18 years as a point person in our Business Development Department, Keith Buswell is retiring.  Keith began his tenure here at Wadman Corporation working with Jay and David on real estate transactions and, in his words, “being an ambassador of good will…shaking a lot of hands and kissing a lot of babies”.  He is a self-proclaimed storyteller and says he has loved telling the Wadman story over and over all these years.  Keith has represented Wadman Corporation in many organizations and served on many construction industry forums and committees.  He is well known in the community, having grown up in Pleasant View and of course, his time spent playing football for Rick’s College. 

Keith holds a few major projects near and dear to his heart including American Can, Dinosaur Crossing, the Payson Temple and Idaho National Lab.  While working with developers and retailers over the years, his eye for detail and infinite patience have served him well in reviewing and approving contracts. 

If you know Keith, you know he has a few favorite quotes that he has instilled in all of us.  For example, the Quaker Proverb, “Me lift thee and ye lift me and we shall ascend together”.  And the opening line Keith uses regularly, “That reminds me of a story…”.  And of course, Go, Fight, Win! 

Keith would like to thank David Wadman, Jay Wadman, Dave Hogan and all of Team Wadman for the fun and meaningful relationships that have developed over the years.  Keith said, “I love Wadman Corporation and it has become part of me.” 

Best Wishes Keith as you move to new adventures and more stories to tell!
