Amber working on the trail map kiosk.
For this years service project we were spread out all over the county. We utilized our new construction communication tool FieldLens. Everybody received all direction and tasks right on their mobil phones. The project managers could track all the progress happening at the four worksites in real time.
We had 6 tasks for two very deserving non-profits. At Youth Impact we installed a bunch of shelving and add a wainscot and chair rail around their dinning room. Youth Impact's mission is to give each and every child who comes through their doors a safe place to learn, socialize and realize who they are and who they can become.
Rob is a little excited for cart races.
The second group we helped out was Weber Pathways. Weber Pathways is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to plan, promote, construct and protect non-motorized trails and related open space areas in Weber County, UT. Down in Riverdale we constructed two new trail map kiosks and above Uintah we constructed another one along with leveling 1.5 miles of trail.
During lunch we put out a notice in FieldLens that there would be Kart Racing! We spent the rest of the afternoon with some high speed fun and very few crashes.